
We have a wealth of experience. We enjoy the work we do and we can tell you things about Office that just doesn’t make sense. Over the years, we have learnt how to make Office do what we need, not what it wants to do. All those annoying things that people get upset about, tamed. The real story behind font substitution and how colours are managed and used.

Not enough businesses give their staff the level of formal training they probably need, so fully-branded templates need to take this into account. Having a representative of Operandi in the design stage is likely to eliminate a long list of misunderstandings and poor assumptions. We are just as happy to say we are from your company as we are coming from ours. Ultimately, it’s about getting the project done.

We can offer insights into the best way to accomplish something, or highlight possible features that may make all the difference to the end user. There are many areas that you might need help with:

  • Document structure
  • Fonts
  • Version compatibility
  • Custom menus
  • custom programming

Get in touch